

今天给大家带来的是乙白沙耶香!想必各位老司机都知道,2021年业界是S1的多事之秋,大量的专属演员集体跳槽,S1也痛失了桥本有菜,但S1丝毫不慌,只是对这件事有些些许遗憾罢了。对于一个大的平台来说,最不缺乏的便是后备力量。在长腿这一领域迅速推出了乙白沙耶香,作为填补桥本有菜这个大长腿离开留下的空岗。(Hello, this is Xiao API, now it’s time to share English learning again!Today, I will bring you a white incense! As you all know, 2021 will be an eventful year for S1 in the industry, with a large number of dedicated actors jumping ship and THE loss of Hashimoto, but S1 is not panicked at all, just a little regret about it. The last thing a large platform needs is backup power. In the field of long legs, the rapid introduction of Eushaka to fill the gap left by hashimoto’s long legs.)

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身材高挑、皮肤白净,还有一张标志的巴掌脸,乙白沙耶香加真的赞,还有一双逆天的长腿。也就是很多男人都梦寐以求的大长腿妹子!(Tall, fair skinned, with a trademark face on his hands, He was really awesome and had long legs. The long-legged girl that many men dream of! )

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说实话,乙白沙耶香不仅人长得美,而且还很努力,是一个很努力的妹子,又是直播又是抖音的,每天还要修图,动态也发得很勤,甚至每天凌晨三四点还在为那些给她评论的粉丝点赞。(To tell you the truth, Yi Baishayexiang not only looks beautiful, but also works very hard. She is a hardworking girl, who broadcasts live and douyin, fixes pictures every day and posts dynamic posts frequently, even at 3 or 4 o ‘clock in the morning for those fans who give her comments. )

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不过据了解S1这个公司有个特点,新人入职基本上都要先经过几次纯粹武打片的洗礼,才能够踏入剧情电影中演绎不同类型的角色。经过几次的培训,展现出了出色的演技,个人意见演技确实比有腿强一点…也能出色的驾驭老头乐,属于不挑食的类型。(However, it is understood that there is a characteristic of S1, the new hires basically have to go through several pure martial arts films before they can step into the drama films to play different types of roles. After several times of training, showed excellent acting, personal opinion acting is really stronger than having legs… Also can excellent control laotoule, is not picky food type. )

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在新人辈出的年代,运气也是演员实力的一部分,小乙老师各方面都不错,但她出道之时,正值疫情席卷日本,宣传活动全部停摆,正可谓生不逢时。新品发售没有一炮而红,也就注定输了一半了,后面不断有新人涌入,很难有翻身的机会了。但这么出色的条件,错过了实在太过于可惜,S1还是继续给乙白沙耶加机会,期望大放光彩。(Luck is also part of the strength of actors in the era of new talent. Kob is good in every way, but she was born at a bad time when the epidemic was sweeping Japan and all promotional activities were suspended. New product sale is not a hit, it is doomed to lose half, behind the influx of new people, it is difficult to have a chance to turn over. However, it is too pity to miss such an excellent condition, S1 still continue to give B Peshayega a chance, hoping to shine. )

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